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The NCBOA is affiliated with the following organizations. 

To learn more about each, click the provided logo below to be directed to that particular website.

Arbiter Sports

​The preeminent app used by the NCBOA to assign games, access confidential information, to get the best directions (and addresses) to game sites, and to communicate with your assignor! Make sure that you download Arbiter on your mobile devices now!

NOTE - This site is for NCBOA members only!

California Basketball Officials Association - CBOA

​The NCBOA is a current member of the CBOA, California's only statewide basketball officials association. The CBOA provides it's members with quality training instruction and materials so that our NCBOA can provide the best possible officiating experience.

California Interscholastic Federation - CIF

The CIF is a federation comprised of ten sections, three of which the NCBOA services; SFS, CCS, and the NCS. In addition to assigning and conducting the annual State Regional and State Championships, the CIF is also the place to go for NFHS rule interpretations.

Central Coast Section - CCS

The CCS is one of the ten sections of the CIF, with almost 150 schools from San Francisco north to King City south. The NCBOA currently services 11 schools that are associated with the CCS. In addition to conducting the Section playoffs, the CCS also establishes the minimum referee stipend for schools in that section.

San Francisco Section - SFS

The SFS is one of the ten sections of the CIF. Although the geographic area of the SFS may be confined to the city of San Francisco, the NCBOA currently services 61 middle schools and high schools that are associated with the SFS. In addition to conducting the Section playoffs, the SFS also establishes the league schedules.

North Coast Section - NCS

The NCS is one of the ten sections of the CIF, with almost 170 schools from San Francisco south to schools in the East Bay and in the far North Bay. The NCBOA currently services 12 schools that are associated with the NCS. In addition to conducting the Section playoffs the NCS also establishes the minimum referee stipend for schools in that section.

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